Today I received information from Rep Kanjorski’s office dealing with veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan War. This means that veterans that served during those wars that were in the stop loss, can receive an extra $500 a month for extended service.
Stop Loss- involuntary extension of a service member's active duty service under the enlistment contract in order to retain them beyond their initial end of term of service (ETS) date and up to their contractually agreed end of obligated service (EOS).
Rep Kanjorski’s office states “Congressman Kanjorski strongly supported legislation which was recently enacted that makes it so that such eligible service members can receive up to $500 for each or partial month served in stop loss status.”
The press release stated the deadline as October 21st, 2010 but the deadline for Iraq and Afghanistan service members to apply for these stop loss payments was recently extended to December 3rd, 2010. Rep Kanjorski continues to be a friend of the veterans.
More information you can look at,
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