Monday, July 5, 2010

NEPAsarge is Watching!

One of my favorite holidays passed, the Fourth of July. It was great day again this year for me. My wife and I enjoyed family over,had a barbeque and the kids and friends swam in the pool. We even did a little yard work to help keep up with the Jones. For me the best part of the day was early morning waking up and standing outside with my lawn chair waiting for the parade.
You had your fire trucks blaring, bands playing, and to my surprise, the patriotism of organizations who handed out flags to the young boys and girls was a great sight to see. All the boys and girls waving their flags made me truly feel proud to be an American

WAIT! How can these people hand out to our young boys and girls American Flags made somewhere else besides America? Ever flag my son got I checked to see where they came from. Sixty percent of American Flags are made in China, India, or some other country. That makes me sick.

I commend Coldwell Banker. For the fifth time in the Mountaintop Parade, you handed out American made flags. Excellent job! As for some of the local churches, you should have known better. To hand, out China made flags to American citizens is something you should be ashamed of. Let us take a little pride for our veterans who served and at least have American made flags. That is right I am watching next year and next year I will post by name every organization, whether you are a church, politician, or company that hands out American Flags made in another country.

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