Sunday, July 11, 2010

President Obama to Help PTSD Veterans

Associated Press
Washington -President Barack Obama says the country has a "solemn responsibility" to ensure that veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder get the help they need. In his weekly radio and online address, Obama discussed new regulations that will be announced Monday. They are intended to make it easier for veterans with PTSD to receive government benefits.

Well it is about time! Living for eight years under the Bush Administration and now the Obama Administration, giving veterans the red tape and run around to get the treatment they need. According to the weekly Presidential radio address, tomorrow we will hear that Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan war along with wars of the past will be able to get treatment. According to the administration, the veteran will be able to get treatment and claims without providing proof of the cause of the illness. Instead they have to show how the condition surrounding the time and place.

THANK GOD! I lost my journal I had while in Iraq at the airport when my luggage got lost. We all know that a solider has plenty of time to keep a journal of everything that happen to him while he is trying to survive and keep his fellow brother and sister alive too. Maybe the administration is waking up now and helping the veteran rather than fighting with them. Could this be a win for the Veteran?

I will listen to the VA Secretary, Gen. Eric Shinseki, to see what he has to say. Maybe now they can hire more Doctors, Psychologist and Psychiatrist for the Wilkes Barre VA now. NOT!

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