Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Army!

From “Be all you can Be”, “Army Strong”, “Army of One” to “This We’ll Defend” the army has had different motto's but still holds true that each member that served in the Army still believes in this country. The oldest branch this country has celebrates it’s 235th Birthday. Two hundred and thirty-five years ago, the United States Army was established to defend our Nation.

Since its birth on 14 June 1775-over a year before the Declaration of Independence-the United States Army has played a vital role in the growth and development of our nation. Soldiers have fought more than 10 wars, from the American Revolution through the Cold War, the Gulf War, to the current Global War on Terrorism. The army soldiers hold deep commitment to our core values and beliefs. This birthday is not only for the Soldiers but their Families and Civilians who are Army Strong. As the military states: “Being Army Strong goes beyond physical endurance and mental preparedness. It encompasses an indomitable spirit, and high ethical and moral values. These are not only desirable traits in a person, but in a Nation that wishes to live up to the ideals and vision of its founders.

We are America’s Army: The Strength of the Nation."

Lets wish the Army a Happy Birthday and thank those veterans that have served and those that have given their greatest sacrifice their lives.

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